
Hi, folks!

This is a blog page completely devoted to one thing: my tiny web-service which unprotects xslx-files allowing ’em to be edited again.

Here is a screenshot of the old service:

Featured image

Feel free to use comments section of this blog to ask questions and report bugs 🙂

Or you could also write an email in Russian or English, or any other language, that is supported by online translators, 😉 to the following address: helpdesk@xartifex.com

Service was just updated: 26/06/2015

The most important improvement is an ability for a visitor to support the service, donations are needed for:

  • keeping the service alive
  • keeping the service free and ads free
  • developing and improving the service
  • there are plans for switching it to another domain and hosting (with ssl and nearly 100% uptime)

Service update: 08/07/2015

  • improved design a little
  • changed from paypal to yandex.money for donation

Service update: 18/12/2015

Service update: 30/12/2015 – https://excel.xartifex.com/

  • fixed some bugs, improved error handling

Service update: 09/1/2016 – https://excel.xartifex.com/

  • 404 is handled better now
  • http goes to https
  • changed mail to helpdesk@xartifex.com

Service update: 10/1/2016 – https://excel.xartifex.com/

  • added support for docx files (yes, now they can be unprotected too

Service update: 18/12/2016 – https://excel.xartifex.com/

  • renewed SSL certificate using letsencrypt

Service update: 20/09/2017 – https://excel.xartifex.com/

  • renewed SSL certificate using letsencrypt


98 thoughts on “Unlock-excel

  1. Hi Xartifex, Would you mind making an offline app for this? I am sure a lot of us would be very willing to support by purchasing it.

    A Fan and long time user



  2. Excelente herramienta, dado que es muy frecuente que se olvide la contraseña de un archivo y justamente cuando se necesita el archivo, no se recuerda la clave.

    Definitivamente simplifica y agiliza mucho esta labor.


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